Best Hospital in Hassan | Indiana Hospital & Heart Centre

Privacy Policy

This site is to be used by the user for the personal use of the user only. The user agrees that the user will not use this site for chain letters, junk mail, spamming, solicitations (Commercial or Non-commercial) or bulk communications of any kind including but not limited to distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a list. In addition, the user agrees not to create a hypertext link from any web site controlled by the user or otherwise, to this site without the express written permission. By accessing, viewing, transmitting, caching or storing this site or any of its services, functions or contents, the user shall be deemed to have agreed to each and all the terms, conditions and notices in this site (‘Agreement) without modification. If the user does not agree, please cease use of the site and leave the site immediately.

The Indiana Hospital takes privacy of the user seriously and will do everything possible to keep the data private and secured. The Hospital stores email of the user when creating an account. The Hospital promises to respect the privacy of the user and will never send spam. The website of the Hospital uses analytics tools that show aggregate data only about the visits and interactions with the website and no personal information or identity is tracked. The website of the Hospital does not use any cookies to track anything from the user directly. The Hospital will be transparent and upfront with any changes to this policy.